For the health and safety of our patrons, cast and crew and volunteers, this weekend’s performances
of Spamalot are postponed. The October 8-10, 2021 performances are rescheduled to the last weekend of October.
Two members of our cast have tested positive for Covid and we feel it is in the best interest of the
community to temporarily pause the show run. We are following our Pandemic Health and Safety
Protocols and Procedures and are testing and isolating.
We’ve taken extensive measures over the past 18+ months to mitigate the risk to perform and have
been successful, including strict health and safety protocols for staff, volunteers and actors, masking,
testing and hospital grade filtration systems. We’ve done our best, but at this time we feel this is the
right call.
Spamalot returns to stage Friday, October 15 through October 31, 2021.
Ticketing Procedures
Those holding tickets for this weekend’s shows are automatically moved to the final weekend of the run
October 29-31st based on their original ticketing day selection:
Tickets for Friday, October 8th are automatically reserved for Friday, October 29 at 7:30pm
Tickets for Saturday, October 9th are automatically reserved for Saturday, October 30,7:30pm
Tickets for Sunday, October 10th are automatically reserved for Sunday, October 31, 3pm
Note: We will do our best on moving your seat to the equivalent seats on these new date.
If you would like to attend another show date than the final weekend as referenced above or require
a refund, please contact our ticketing office by Monday, October 11 by email at
info@stageworkstx.org or by phone at 281-587-6100.
***Given the current situation, it may take us a couple days to get back to you, but we will return every
email and phone call as quickly as possible and well before next weekend’s shows.
In the interim, if you have any questions, feel free to contact our box office directly (info@stageworkstx.org or by phone at 281-587-6100) and we help you.
Thank you for your patience and patronage!
Michael Montgomery
Artistic Director, Executive Board