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As We Close 2016...

Julie Montgomery

This is it - our "end of the year ask letter." I'm taking an entirely different approach this year and talking to you as if we were having coffee together - because that's our style.

Here's the bottom line. We are rocking, but we need your support. Would you please remember Stageworks in your end of the year giving?

It has been an incredible year for Stageworks Theatre. Many positive things have happened, and you were part of it. Excitement around our hallways included:

  • Renaming the theatre to something that better describes what we do.

  • Two fund-raising campaigns that delivered comfortable seating to the Fischer Studio and a sign for the front of the building (arriving soon).

  • 33 nominations in the Houston Awards.

  • Lots of creative invention, arts education, friendship, and community building.

Our biggest challenge is managing ongoing operational expenses, such as rent, insurance, and utilities - items that are normally not covered by grants or corporate support. Theatres in our area are closing, and others are operating only as production companies, abandoning commitments to any real estate.

In this year's ask, I ask you to consider making a recurring monthly gift. Would you join us?

If you love being part of an organization that inspires great performances and develops the skills of our next generation of artists, please take a moment and support Stageworks Theatre at


Julie Montgomery

Stageworks Theatre

Board President

P.S. As a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, contributions to Houston Family Arts Center, D.B.A. Stageworks Theatre are eligible for matching funds from many corporations and employers.

Stageworks Theatre

10760 Grant Road

Houston, Texas 77070


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