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Masks for Theatre Lovers! (This promotion has ended.)

Julie Montgomery

Sean Carmen Harrison and Oliver Grigg

It turns out that when you lock up artists and don't let them work on theatre, they find something to do! While the theatre’s Board of Directors is hard at work determining our plans for the summer and next season, our costumers are finding other ways to stay busy.

Our Drive to Help

During this pandemic, individuals are finding ways to help the community. That includes the Stageworks costuming team - me (Julie Montgomery), Barbara Terry, Jeanie Harrison, and Lisa Garza. Since the costuming of shows is temporarily postponed, we, naturally, started making masks for friends and family. Out of "small talk," ok, maybe it was texting, we realized that we were all making masks - without realizing it. However, our workloads were dwindling, because we'd about completed provisioning those close to us. But we wanted to keep helping.

In our back and forth banter, we realized, "Why should only people close to us be enlisted to flatten the curve? This is a global effort and we need everybody to cover up so we can beat this virus and get back to life as usual – and back to the theatre! So we immediately thought, “How can we use our motivation as a way to help the theatre?"

So, we've scraped every corner of our craft rooms and the Stageworks costume workshop for every piece of fabric, elastic, lining, and ribbon to make masks for those who love theatre.

Order Your Mask - Help Stageworks

For a limited time, the Stageworks Theatre’s costume team is making masks for any season subscriber, academy family, patron, or volunteer who would like one. All we ask is that you make a donation to the theatre in any amount. This will help us pay for materials and shipping, if necessary. If you are near the theatre, we may even drop them off at your doorstep!


How many masks can we make? We'll see! Knowing this team, we'll probably run out of materials before we run out of energy.

We'll respond to you as soon as we receive the order and give you an estimated time that you'll receive it. Right now, we can turn them around in about 2-3 days.

What's Next at Stageworks?

Expect to hear more from us soon about upcoming plans. We can't wait to see all of you again, even if it requires we be together in smaller groups!

Soon we'll have news on items such as:

· Plans for the remainder of the Main Stage season

· 2020-2021 season announcement

· Summer academy fun

· Plans for keeping Stageworks a safe, clean environment

Donate Today

We understand that times are uncertain. If you are in a position to support Stageworks in any way, please consider making a donation. Any donation size helps, however, recurring donations are the key to our ongoing vitality. And just look at all of these donors, volunteers, and patrons below who you'll delight!

If you'd like a mask, but are unable to make a small donation, make a note in the form and we have a private donor who will make a donation on your behalf.

Here are some amazing patrons who have recently been sporting the new masks.

Sport your new mask and send a photo to me at We'll post photos on the Stageworks Theatre Facebook page and bring together our entire community of mask-wearing theatre lovers who are helping stop the spread! #StopTheSpread #FlattentheCurve #SportingMyMask #SupportingStageworks

Pictured are many of our amazing patrons, donors and volunteers: Top of article: Sean, Carmen, Harrison and Oliver Grigg. Below (left to right): Barbara and Jerry Haddock; Larry and Diane Lipton; Jimmy, Cailyn, Avery and Courtney Johnson; Jeanie Harrison; Meredith Grigg; Stacey Hunter.

Stageworks Theatre

10760 Grant Road

Houston, Texas 77070


© 2008  - 2023

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